The Australian Archetype Grid positions survey respondents on a grid across two axes. The vertical axis is the personality axis and the horizontal axis is the social worldview axis. These two axis are described below followed by a description of the two labels that describe the spectrums.
The personality axis describes an individual’s attitudes, behaviours and preferences across mental, financial, fiscal, material, social and recreational areas.
The personality axis places people on a spectrum from Experiencer to Reserved and describes the spectrum of respondents on the vertical axis.
The Experiencer label is comprised of the following identifier words:
- Visceral
- Spender
- Experiencer
- Style
- Extrovert
- Active
The Reserved label is comprised of the following identifier words:
- Cerebral
- Saver
- Accumulator
- Substance
- Introvert
- Passive
The social worldview axis describes how an individual views society. The axis assesses spiritual, ethical, relational, political and societal areas to determine where a respondent is situation on this axis.
The social worldview axis places people on a spectrum from Upholder to Reconstructor and describes the spectrum of respondents on the horizontal axis.
The Upholder label is comprised of the following identifier words:
- Adherent
- Compliant
- Family
- Collective
- Traditional
The Reconstructor label is comprised of the following identifier words:
- Explorer
- Creative
- Individual
- Independent
- Progressive
The 6 Australian Lifestyle Archetypes
The six Australian Lifestyle Archetypes have been described below to provide an overview of the personal, social and political perspectives of each cohort.
New Conservative
New Conservatives see the benefit in upholding traditions at a national, social and family level. They appreciate the way things are in society and have a love for experiencing all that society has to offer. One of their pleasures in life comes from spending their hard earned money on the good things in life, like wine, art, and actively enjoy being part of cultural and/or sporting events. While conservatives are not usually understood of as big spenders, or the adventurous type, the new conservative prefers to spend money on experiences rather than possessions. Their lifestyle may include travel, nationally or internationally and are open to seeing other cultures, however they strongly prefer the traditional Australian way of life.
As the Baby Boomers continue to age, this is likely to be a growing cohort of Australians. The New Conservatives are people from wealthier middle ring suburbs, the family heartland of society. They are early adopters of technology and have frequently travelled abroad to places like Bali and other South East Asian countries. They are still connected to social or sporting groups like a soccer club or dance group, but mainly because they like to participate and get involved.
Modern Innovators
Modern Innovators are the classic experiencer of all that the modern world has to offer. This growing cohort of Australians have a desire to get the most out of life. They are soaking up experiences locally and abroad to appreciate different cultures and then incorporate the best parts of them into their everyday life and community. Their views in life are shaped by new and liberating ideas that spring from global cities however these views might not be accepted by everyone, especially some of their older or more conservative acquaintances. Their legacy is not necessarily going to be financial, but an understanding of the world and what it could become. Their photo albums are full of memories from artistic and cultural events. They have pursued a quality, perhaps even lavish, lifestyle because ‘you only live once’.
Contemporary Collaborator
Contemporary Collaborators are looking at newer values and policies for society and can both see and accept how standards are changing in society. These collaborative thinkers, like to consider their options and explore all the possibilities in life. While they are likely to adopt a progressive mindset, they like the structure and personal benefits of a strong and stable economy and tend to be more of a saver than a spender. This suits their slightly slower paced life compared to some of their more adventurous peers. This slightly reserved cohort wants to pass on most of their wealth to those they love, or to causes they are passionate about but, they might just spend a little bit on themselves along the way.
The Contemporary Collaborator has travelled frequently from their home base in the suburbs, the middle-ring, out from the CBD. Their last trip was a European River Cruise, a nice ‘soft adventure’ that allowed them to take it all in, without interacting all day every day with people, yet gave them a chance to absorb the culture, the ideas and the society. An ideal day could involve travelling from their brand new, contemporary unit, leaving the safety of their unit and going for a bush walk in the mountains.
Conventional Mainstreamer
Conventional Mainstreamers have probably enjoyed living in a small community or in the suburbs of a major city for the best part of their life. This cohort occasionally tries new experiences, but prefer their conventional community. They largely just want what they’ve always had, a good honest life in a nice, stable community. The traditional family life has probably had the largest impact on this cohort, even though they might not have had their own family. The societal or political views held by connected conventionalists might seem outdated to some of their younger peers, but this cohort have experienced the benefits of a stable society and economy. They have personally made mostly wise financial moves, with a little bit of luxury for special occasions, but the right decision to save money, rather than spend it, was modelled in the family home and this has seen them well looked after for the most part of their life.
The family holiday was to the same destination every year, and the pictures on the living room wall prove it. The holiday was a quick break away from the family business, while others worked in management creating a nice, predictable and productive environment for others to work in. They might live in suburbs that are not that well known, but are safe and convenient. They value what they have in life, and they are open to more.
Traditionalists know that life is enjoyed the most when it is enjoyed as it has always been. Keeping things simple financially, socially and politically is important to the largest cohort, probably for the same reason that it is what is best for everyone. Others see this cohort as refusing to adopt modern values and progressive ideas but the large cohort are confident in their way of life and know that it has worked well for them for a long time. The family dinner table conversations, and sometimes what was not spoken about, as well as social or religious groups like the church have largely shaped the traditional thinking upheld by this cohort. The size and influence of this cohort however might not last forever.
Traditionalists have worked in respectable careers as builders, accountants and have own the safe, reliable car. The car describes them and how they habitually go from A to B to C and then come back home again to their comfortable home. They proudly display University Graduation photos on their wall for all to see, right next to the latest photo of all the grandchildren. Life, after all, is all about leaving behind a legacy for those you love.
Contemplative Progressor
Contemplative Progressors think deeply about things that matter. They might be thinking through global, national, or even just local issues to understand more about society and how it functions, seeing potential areas for change. While they are quite reserved and passive on a social level, their ideas can seem to others as quite progressive and out there, steering away from the traditional ways of thinking. The freedom of their ideas comes from valuing the important things in life like individuality, education and human rights. Others might see them as idealists, but they are respected for their use of money. Life may not have always been kind but they have found a way to save money where possible along the way and still enjoy life’s pleasures.
Contemplative Progressors have careers in education and passively get involved in politics and society through writing letters to the editor. They are not extreme in their political views, but like to vote sensibly, even if it means swinging from their usual party. They will sign partitions, but not participate in protest marches. They go out but would prefer to stay in and solve Sudoku puzzles.