Minister for Aged Care Visits World’s First Microtown at NewDirection Care in Bellmere

Last week the Hon. Ken Wyatt AM, MP, Minister for Aged Care saw first-hand the World’s First Microtown™ NewDirection Care in Bellmere, Queensland. Minister Ken Wyatt described NewDirection Care as “Aged Care that is totally person-centred, with seven people per house with a care companion who works with each home’s resident.”
During the visit, Minister Wyatt was shown the unique Aged Care model with a people’s first approach. The facility is all-inclusive where seniors with complex care needs (including those with Dementia and Younger Onset Dementia) are able to live together and are not segregated. At NewDirection Care, residents are encouraged to be independent, interactive and involved with a focus on ablement, catering to individual schedules, needs and freedom.
The Minister toured the microtown™, built like any small town in Australia and includes a corner store, café, cinema, hair salon, barber shop, music room and a wellness centre, dental and GP facilities. NewDirection Care is an alternative model of full-service aged care with a focus on wellness, revolutionary non-institutionalised schedules, services and lifestyle options.
Natasha Chadwick, Founder of NewDirection Care believes that an all-inclusive living arrangement is the key for an improved quality of life for these seniors and she’s seen it happen first hand through this innovative model.
Hon. Ken Wyatt AM, MP, Minister for Aged Care made the decision to see the facility for himself having heard high praise from those who have seen the facility, including Andrew Wallace MP, Federal Member for Fisher.